Air Filter Maintenance: Important for Your Car

20 11 2012

Maintaining the air filter in the engine compartment is important to ensure longevity and smooth operation of your vehicles’ engine.  Air filter service is a cheap way to make sure the oil inside your engine stays clean, and also provides better fuel economy for your vehicle because your engine can work much easier when it is able to ingest air though a clean air filter housed in the air intake system.

Air Filter

I recommend servicing the air filter in your vehicle every 12,000 – 15,000 miles for optimal performance.

Standard air filters usually range anywhere from $18 – $30 depending on the vehicle make and model.

Washable Air Filter

Aftermarket washable cloth filters are about $50 and can save money in the long run after repeated cleaning and reuse in your vehicle.  These filters generally flow air better than a standard air filter that contains a paper media to filter debris from the air.  Because of this, washable cloth filter manufacturers often claim added horsepower and fuel economy for your vehicle with their use.

A clean air filter removes dirt and debris from the air that is ingested into your engine during normal driving.  Vehicles that are operated in abnormally dusty or dirty conditions should have their air filter serviced more-often to avoid harm to internal engine components, and to improve general longevity of the engine.  It is easy to see when a vehicle is operated with a dirty air filter because the engine oil will quickly turn from a light brown color to a thick black color from dirt entering the air intake system.

Remember that maintaining the air filter in your vehicle can improve the power and performance of the engine and help make it last longer, while providing better fuel economy.  Air filter maintenance is a cheap and easy way to ensure that your vehicles’ engine is protected from ingesting harmful dirt and debris, and should be changed-out periodically.  Be sure to check the owners’ manual for your vehicle to see how to service your air filter, and how often.

For more information on general air filter maintenance click here.


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