Cabin Air Filter Maintenance: Important for Breathing Inside Your Car

18 11 2012

Did you know that most newer vehicles have a cabin air filter that filters-out the incoming air that is supplied to the interior of your car though the heating and air conditioning ventilation system?

People who suffer from asthma or other respiratory problems should highly consider changing their cabin air filter in their vehicle frequently to breathe cleaner and better while driving.

Dirty Cabin Air Filter

Cabin air filters can quickly fill with dirt, dust, pollen, leaves, lint, and many other types of debris that can make it more difficult for you to breathe.  Having a clean cabin air filter installed into your vehicle will also help your heating and air conditioning ventilation system inside your car perform better because the positive pressure blower motor can push air though a clean filter much easier than a dirty filter, which will allow the interior of your car to heat-up or cool-down  that much quicker.

I personally recommend changing your cabin air filter every-other engine oil change to ensure that you are breathing cleaner air, or at least the best as possible while driving your car.  Most cabin air filter are serviced inside the glove box / storage compartment by flipping down the entire door assembly, or from under the dashboard assembly at the cabin filter access point.  Most times a few simple screws and a filter access door has to be removed or opened to access the cabin air filter for your vehicle.

Always consult the owners’ manual for your particular vehicle to discover if you actually have a cabin air filter to service inside your car, and where it is located.  Most owners’ manuals will even tell you how to change it out so read-up on this one folks.

Remember that changing the cabin air filter inside your vehicle can help your breathe easier and better while driving, and can also help your heating and air conditioning ventilation system perform better.  Cabin air filters should be checked periodically, and are not that expensive to replace when needed to do so.

For more information on cabin air filters click here.



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